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"We all have a voice inside us, and this teacher took the time to find it". - You Tube, A Caring Chorus

This amazing two-minute video reflects the beauty and necessity of every teacher. Please take a moment to watch. GREAT TEACHERS TRULY CHANGE LIVES!

Teachers hold a special place in my heart. I come from a family of educators that include my grandmother, mother and sister so it is no surprise that I am such a strong advocate for this profession and all those who chose this admirable career path. For me personally, teachers are held in such high esteem because I was blessed with multiple educators who were the exact people to impact my life during particular moments throughout my childhood. From the elementary second-grade Mrs. Jeong and third-grade Mrs. Corbett, to the junior high Sr. Esperanza and high school Sr. Barbara and Sr. Philippa, each of these dedicated teachers touched my life in a unique way and played an important role in who I am today. I am forever thankful to each of them.

HPISD is implementing the Texas Association of Schools Administrator's VISION, which states that public education must "transform" for the 21st century, and “To be viable, schools must adapt to this new [digital] environment. We must embrace and seize technology's potential to capture the hearts and minds of this, the first digital generation, so that the work designed for them is more engaging and respects their superior talents with digital devices and connections.” See p. [13].

The reality is Common Core was created to train young minds for constant all-the-time digital learning. State assessments (based on Common Core) will become stealth assessments embedded in personalized learning/competency-based education environments.

This article provides an excellent explanation of the transformation we are witnessing locally and in our state.

Parents, it is important for each of us to ask our school board and administration where HPISD is heading with technology and the Moody Innovation Institute and to describe what education is going to look like for our children with the emergence of innovation, technology and the Moody Foundation in HPISD.

I am all for teachers teaching, not the use of a computer to replace them. This election is as much about our educators and protecting their profession as it is about our students. As a member of your school board, I would ensure that teachers in the classroom are the “sage on the stage” not the “guide on the side”. A vote for me is a vote for our students’ rights to have a teacher instructing them and our teacher’s right to be in control of their classroom.

I leave you with one last heart touching video about an amazing educator, Jeffrey Wright, who “uses wacky experiments to teach children about the universe, but it is his own personal story that teaches them the true meaning of life."

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